Any person of good moral character is eligible to membership of the IBPA subject to the terms of its Constitution and any regulations properly established by the Executive Committee. No person shall be denied membership because of gender, race, colour or creed.
Full member
Those eligible for full membership include bridge journalists, writers and reporters, all publishers, editors and regular contributors to bridge periodicals and to other periodicals regularly publishing features about bridge and its players, all producers of bridge TV and radio programs, writers about bridge, and any other persons as the Executive Committee may deem fit and desirable, conforming by profession or interest to the aims and objects of the IBPA. A candidate for full membership shall be proposed by a full member in good standing.
Associate member
All persons in good standing who have an interest in the activities of the IBPA but do not have the qualifications required for full membership can apply for associate membership. Associate members pay full membership dues. They have no voting rights and are not eligible to serve as officers or members of the Executive Committee. The Bulletin is the only IBPA service offered to associate members.
How to join
i. Please check what type of membership you are eligible for (see excerpt from the IBPA constitution above), and the appropriate membership due.
ii. Fill out the application form, or type the details in an email and send the data to the Membership Secretary, Katie Thorpe.
iii. Pay the appropriate membership due.
International Bridge Press Association