
IBPA's Forum 
The IBPA Forum is an internal chat site based on a platform called Discord. You need an invitation to register (the first time). You can contact the Membership Secretary if your invitation has expired.

Access to the IBPA Forum is a privilege reserved for IBPA members. Participation is conditioned on use of a name easily recognized as that of the member posting the entry. 

By accepting the invitation and logging into the Forum you accept:

 - that the Forum is for IBPA members ONLY to engage in respectful discussion with their fellow members on topics of mutual interest relating to competitive bridge. 

 - that the Forum administrator may revoke participation privileges for anyone violating this policy.

You can exchange news and views at the common plaza (#general) or enter an existing chat room (called "channel", c.f. below). It is also possible to set up a new channel that can be restricted to a sub-set of members. This is for example a very useful way to form smaller groups of people who share an interest in a specific topic, want to share photographs for articles, share ideas for stories etc.  

Server and channels
Note that the IBPA's Forum is called IBPA server in Discord lingo. Click our logo to enter the IBPA server, which will display our channels. Channels can be added whenever wanted.



Click the ?-button and you will have an answer to your question.


  International Bridge Press Association
