WBF and EBL Photos

The WBF and EBL have kindly agreed that IBPA members can use their photos to supplement their articles.

Where the photos are stored

The photos are stored in tagbox.io – where you can find the images you need easily, instead of going through countless folders.


IBPA members may use photos in the IBPA gallery to supplement their bridge articles in :

  • Printed/online bridge magazine
  • Features in national and regional papers, media outlets (eg The Sydney Morning Herald does a story on bridge, BBC has a story).
  • Websites (primarily bridge, or bridge and games)
  • Social media (primarily bridge, or bridge and games)

 For the avoidance of doubt:

  • The permission requested does not extend to published books. If somebody wants to do that, they can manage that for themselves.
  • The photos may not be used to sell a product or service (eg photo of person at green baize table, seller sells tables)
  • Any user MUST credit the photo with the owner (eg, EBL, WBF, etc). If there is a photographer or owner, and the owner has requested credit, then the credit must appear under or nearby, or in a suitable place.
  • The license is for IBPA members to use. If a media outlet’s journalist is not an IBPA member, they need to explicitly request permission.

Photos link

You will need the password to view the links.

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