Job Descriptions

Last revised in August 2017
The IBPA Constitution takes precedence over these Job Descriptions.
Throughout this document “he” also implies “she”.

  1. General
  2. President
  3. Executive Vice-president
  4. Organizational Vice-president
  5. Secretary
  6. Treasurer
  7. Chairman
  8. Executive Committee
  9. Membership Secretary
  10. Awards Chairman
  11. Editor
  12. Control Committee
  13. Nominating Committee
  14. Auditor
  15. General Counsel
  16. IBPA Membership Categories
  17. Presidents Emeriti
  1. GENERAL (applying to all persons representing IBPA)
    1. Collection of dues
      Until membership details and subscriptions are received by the Membership Secretary they are not the responsibility of the IBPA, so any person in receipt of such must without delay transfer the money and details to the Membership Secretary.
    2. Filing
      Copies of communications that require retaining must be sent without delay to  the Secretary for filing.
    3. Allowances
      The Executive Committee may decide in advance on an annual allowance for any Officer, Executive Member or IBPA Appointee, to cover miscellaneous expenditure. Any excess is to be treated as an exceptional expenditure (see next).
    4. Journeys and other exceptional expenditure
      Journeys on IBPA business or exceptional expenditure for which reimbursement is required, shall be authorized in advance by the Executive. In an emergency the individual incurring such expense must in advance obtain the consent of two officers who shall have their approval registered by email with the Secretary.
    5. Membership
      All members of the Executive have a responsibility to increase the membership of the IBPA by seeking new members; and encouraging them to complete an application form and submit subscriptions.
    6. Sponsors
      All members have a duty to bring potential sponsors to the attention of the President, who will appoint a suitable person to conduct liaison. Members should recognize sponsors by mentioning them whenever appropriate.
      • The President is the highest-ranking elected Officer and head of the organization. He is responsible for summoning and chairing all General and Executive Meetings. If the President needs to have a free hand in the debate, he may call upon one of the Vice- Presidents, or the Chairman, to chair the Meeting.
      • The President is the official spokesman of the IBPA on matters of policy. He is in charge of discussions with other bodies, such as the EBL and the WBF. With his signature, subject to approval by the Executive Committee, he closes any deal with other bodies. He also authorizes all press releases on behalf of the IBPA.
      • The President is the financial leader of the IBPA, and it is his responsibility to ensure that the organisation remains financially sound. Together with the Treasurer, he is responsible for the planning of finances, for budgeting, and that expenses stay within the limits of the budget. He may commit IBPA to expenditures up to 2000 USD without prior approval of the Executive.
      • The President is also the organizational leader of the IBPA. It is his responsibility that decisions made by the Executive Committee and the AGM are carried out, and that all decisions are in accordance with the Constitution.
      1. Administration
        • The President oversees the Executive Committee. He is to ensure that each person has clearly defined responsibilities and assignments. The President should keep the Chairman and Vice-Presidents informed of major developments so that they can take over his responsibilities at short notice. The President may give guidance to the Chairman in connection with the nominating process.
      2. Meetings
        • The President sets meeting schedules, summons the Executive Committee, and sends notice of, and agenda for, a forthcoming AGM to the Editor for publication in the IBPA Bulletin. The President should make an agenda ahead of each Executive meeting. The President is required to prepare a written annual report for the AGM to be included in the minutes published in the IBPA Bulletin.
        • The Chairman of each Meeting shall see that minutes of the meeting are taken by the Secretary, or in his absence by an appointed Executive Member. Minutes shall be distributed to those present and invited to the meeting within two weeks and, regarding General Meetings, to the Editor for publication in the Bulletin.
      3. Representation
        • To allow the President to represent the IBPA at the AGM (normally during the World Championships) the Executive Committee shall set an allowance to be used when the President’s expenses are not covered by other sources. This can also apply to EGMs and European Championships but not to other Championships.
      4. Dealing with other bodies
        • The President is the head negotiator of the IBPA. Other Officers or Executive Members cannot conclude agreements unless authorized in advance by the President. If the agreement implies any major changes as to the policy, finances, or organisational structure of the IBPA, the President should not sign any documents without the consent of a majority of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may also require ratification of the agreement by the next AGM. The President should see that minutes of negotiations are provided with a copy of the signed agreement, if any, to the Executive Committee, not later than two weeks after the conclusion of negotiation.
      5. Finances
        • The President is responsible for seeing that the Treasurer fulfils his obligations. He should collaborate with the Treasurer in the preparation of the Budget for the next fiscal year.
      6. Delegation of authority
        • The President’s designee may act for him in any of the functions set out above. The President should only designate an Officer or Executive Committee member, except after obtaining approval in advance by a Vice-President.
    • The Executive Vice-President is an elected Officer who is second-in-command within the IBPA. It is the job of the Executive Vice-President to undertake the responsibilities of the President in his absence. If the President’s position falls vacant between elections, the President’s duties pass to the Executive Vice-President and, failing him, to the Organisational Vice-President. The Executive Vice-President should be kept duly informed by the President on matters of importance within the IBPA. He should discuss possible areas of delegation with the President, and remind him, as necessary, of matters requiring attention. He is the President’s primary adviser.
    • The Organisational Vice-President is an elected Officer, who is third-in-command within the IBPA. If the President’s office falls vacant, and the Executive Vice-President is not available, the Organisational Vice-President assumes the President’s role. Failing that, the Executive Committee will appoint another Officer, or one of the Executive Members to take office.
    • The Secretary is an elected Officer whose main task is recording and filing. The Secretary is to take the minutes of every Executive Committee meeting, the AGM, the EGM, and other meetings if so directed by the President. The minutes should be circulated no later than three days after such a meeting to those present and invited to the meeting. Minutes of General Meetings shall be sent to the Editor for publication in the Bulletin.
    • The Secretary is responsible for collecting written reports from all IBPA Officers and Appointees not less than two days before the AGM. He is responsible for the printing and framing of certificates of Awards, as directed by the Awards Chairman.
    • The Secretary is responsible for filing and retrieving all significant letters and official documents concerning IBPA.
    • On request of any Officer, the Secretary should produce memos, letters and other documents and distribute them to members of the Executive Committee and others concerned.
    • The Secretary is to keep track of time schedules on behalf of the IBPA, and send out appropriate reminders in due time. These should include publication in the Bulletin of notice for forthcoming AGM, proposals for new Officers and Executive members, and appointment of Nominating and Control Committees.
    • The Secretary is responsible for keeping and updating these Job Descriptions.
    The Treasurer is an elected Officer whose main task is budgeting and accounting.
    1. Bank Accounts
      • The Treasurer is responsible for all money transactions coming in to or being paid by the IBPA. The IBPA may have a working account from which only the Treasurer may withdraw money but the bulk of IBPA’s funds must be in a bank account from which money can only be withdrawn on the authorization of two out of three officers, namely the Treasurer, President and Chairman. The Executive Committee has the right to nominate a fourth person who can co-authorize payments.
      • The Treasurer should keep contact with the Membership Secretary to ensure that membership subscriptions are duly deposited in IBPA’s account; and with the President to see that sponsorship monies and grants are duly collected. The approval of the Executive committee shall be sought for any term deposit that makes a tranche of IBPA funds unavailable for immediate access. IBPA funds should be maintained in more than one currency to protect the organization from the collapse in the value of one currency. The balance between currencies should be reported in the annual accounts.
    2. Annual Accounts
      • The Treasurer shall prepare, within two months of the end of the fiscal year, the annual accounts and submit them for checking to the President and other Officers, and, within three months after the end of the financial year, to the Auditor, for auditing.. The accounts should be presented in one currency with comparisons with the previous year. The accounts, vouchers and all bank statements must be sent to the elected Auditor for auditing. The Treasurer must see that they are returned. The Treasurer must also see that the accounts are published prior to the AGM and, after approval by the AGM, in the Bulletin.
    3. Budgets
      • In collaboration with the President, the Treasurer is responsible for preparing a budget for the next fiscal year in time for presentation at the AGM. The Treasurer must report without delay to the President, and later to the AGM any significant deviation in the current fiscal year from budget. The entries in the budget for the next fiscal year should be compared with the similar items in the current and previous year’s budget and presented in one currency.
    • “Chairman” is an honorary title given to an individual who has done outstanding service to the IBPA. The title is awarded by resolution of an AGM upon prior recommendation of the Executive Committee. The Chairman is ex officio an Officer of the IBPA. He is summoned to meetings of the Executive Committee, and has full voting rights.
    • The Chairman selects and heads the Control Committee (CC), which is to check and balance both the financial situation and any other matter or decision dealt with by the Executive Committee. The Chairman shall be kept regularly informed by the President, the Treasurer and all other Officers.
    • The Chairman selects and heads the Nominating Committee (NC) to determine annual nominations for Officers and the Executive Committee. He shall keep in contact with the President and the Executive Committee, and pay attention to their advice. If necessary for any reason at all, the NC may refuse to renominate any elected Officer or Executive Member. In making nominations for the Executive some priority should be given to the principal Appointees. The Chairman is to verify the willingness of potential nominees to serve.
    • The Chairman should take immediate action if any infractions or violations of the Constitution have occurred. He should keep in contact with the members of the Control Committee, and he should once every year prepare a written statement about the “state of the realm” to be presented to the AGM. In the absence of the President and vice-Presidents, or at the invitation of the President, the Chairman may head any IBPA meeting.
    • The Executive Committee (EC) consists of the elected Officers, the Chairman and nine elected Executive Members. Each Executive Member is elected for three years. Periods are overlapping, so that three Executive Members stand for election/re-election each year.
    • An Executive Member may be called upon to do a job by the President and/or by the Executive Committee. An Executive Member may be designated to chair any EGM or AGM, to supervise Prize-giving Ceremonies, or to take the minutes from any Meeting in the absence of the Secretary.
    • The Executive committee shall approve the appointment of persons (the “Appointees”) to fulfil specific roles such as the Bulletin Editor, Membership Secretary, and the Awards Chairman.
    • The Executive Committee meets at the venue of the AGM and the World and European Championships. The Executive Committee checks and balances the organisation, so it must be kept duly informed by the President and Officers.
    • The Membership Secretary is appointed by the President, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee, to deal with all membership matters. He collects and registers members’ subscriptions and/or payments for additional services such as a printed copy of the Bulletin, together with their personal details such as land address, email address, and membership category.
    • He is responsible for keeping the Membership File containing these details up to date and that members have access to their own record on this file. He is responsible for the annual call in the Bulletin for dues to be paid and an initial reminder to members who are late paying their dues. The full file should be accessible by any Officer and the Press.
    • Room Manager at the European and World Championships to determine the standing of any person wishing to use the Press Room facilities.
    • The Membership Secretary must keep the Treasurer informed of monies received and transfer collected money to IBPA’s main accounts as required by the Treasurer. These dues are the property of IBPA and it must be possible to transfer IBPA monies held by the Membership Secretary to IBPA’s main bank account  at  the requirement  of the Treasurer.
    • The Membership Secretary is responsible for the design and distribution of the membership form, and should seek opportunities to revise and improve it.
    • The Membership Secretary should every year prepare a written report to be submitted to the AGM containing the membership figures for each category of membership at the time of reporting with comparative figures at the time of the previous AGM, a list of new members and their country, and any report he has received of deceased members.. This report must be sent to the President and Secretary no later than two weeks prior to the AGM.
    • The Awards Chairman is appointed by the President, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee, to deal with all awards organized and presented by the IBPA. These are, at June 2012:
      1. The IBPA Personality of the Year
        • This Award shall have no sponsor and be ratified by the Executive committee before presentation.
      2. Journalist Awards for reporting the Best Play, Best Defence, Best Auction, Best performance by a Junior, and authoring the Best Book.
    • The Awards Chairman draws up a shortlist for the Awards and appoints a panel of members of appropriate skills, deemed to be independent, who vote on the shortlist. Sponsors are sought for the Awards with at least half the sponsorship going directly to IBPA and the remainder available for disbursement in prizes.
    • The Awards Chairman may nominate other occasional awards for ratification by the Executive committee.
    • Any person may win an award but IBPA Officers are excluded from the the monetary element of prizes. Other Executive members are limited to one monetary prize at each Award Ceremony. The main monetary prize is for the journalist who submitted the winning report. The players featured are entitled to a certificate recording their achievement and a small monetary thanks for attending the Awards Ceremony. If the author of the winning article, or book, is not an IBPA member in good standing, he is not entitled to a monetary prize, but can receive the balance available after joining IBPA and paying the subscription due for the current and two subsequent years.
    • The Awards Chairman and the Executive Committee should endeavour to keep the list of winners confidential until the Awards Ceremony.
    • Award Winners are entitled to a certificate recording the win with a suitable frame. Certificates will be issued both to the players and to the journalist, in addition to potential cash and/or other prizes.
    • The Awards Chairman is responsible, with the assistance of the Secretary, for organizing that the prepared certificates are available, printed and, where appropriate, framed and ready for handing out at the Awards Ceremony.
    • The Awards Chairman, with the assistance of the Editor, should prepare a short presentation of the award winners, to be published in the Bulletin together with the article describing the award-winning play.
    • The current (2017) amounts of the awards are:
      • – 250$ to the journalists
      • – 500$ to the author of the BOTY
      • – 100$ to the players
      • The prize to the players is reduced to 50$ if the player is at the venue but not at the presentation;
      • The prize to the journalists and author is reduced by 100$ to cover two years membership if they are not already a member of IBPA.
    • The Editor of the Bulletin is appointed by the Executive Committee, which determines his remuneration and expense allowance. He reports to the President, and in cases of intended publication of controversial material, he is to consult the President before doing so.
    • The Editor is responsible for the contents, the keeping of time-limits and for the layout of the Bulletin. It is the duty of the Editor to know the publication requirements of the Constitution and these Job Descriptions. When Awards are mentioned he should use the current sponsor’s title.
    • The President or the EC may authorize additional pages and special issues.
    • The IBPA budget may contain a travel allowance for the Editor to the venue of the AGM provided that his travel expenses are not covered by another source.
    • The Control Committee (CC) consists of at least three members. The Chairman selects and heads the Control Committee, which is to check and balance both the financial situation and any other matter or decision dealt with by the Executive Committee.
    • The Control Committee should take immediate action if any infractions or violations of the Constitution have occurred.
    • The Control Committee, or the Chairman with the consent of at least one other member of the Control Committee together with at least two other Executive members, has the right to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). Notice of such an EGM must be published in the IBPA Bulletin at least two months in advance.
    • The Nominating Committee (NC) consists of at least three members, appointed and headed by the Chairman.
    • The NC is to determine nominations for Officers and Executive Committee members as required by the Constitution. It shall keep in contact with the President, the Control Committee and the Executive Committee, and pay attention to their advice.
    • If necessary for any reason at all, the NC may refuse to re-nominate any elected Officer or Executive Member.
    • The Auditor is elected for each fiscal year by the AGM. He shall report to the president if he has not received, not later than three months after the end of the fiscal year, from the Treasurer, a written account of the last fiscal year with accounts, vouchers and bank statements. He should return this documentation to the Treasurer after straightening out any doubtful points. His own statement shall be sent to the President in due time before the AGM. His report will be submitted to the AGM by the President or his proxy.
    • The General Counsel is appointed by the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the AGM, to deal with all matters concerning the Constitution and other legal matter involving the IBPA. The General Counsel interprets the Constitution whenever it is considered necessary. He suggests, as necessary, amendments and modifications to the Constitution.
    • The General Counsel represents and advises the IBPA in all matters needing an attorney at law, including lawsuits for or against the IBPA. The General Counsel should file major documents with the Secretary.
    There are three main categories of membership:
    1. Full members
      • Full members are those in good standing who are eligible as a bridge columnist, correspondent, editor, author or publisher of bridge books, pamphlets, or work in the media. Once eligible to be a Full Member a person retains this eligibility after retirement. Any dispute about eligibility shall initially be handled by the Membership Secretary, then referred to the President, and in the last resort dealt with by the Executive Committee as specified in the Constitution. Full members are expected to contribute to the IBPA Bulletin free of recompense at least once a year.
    2. Honour Members
      • Honour members are Full Members who do not have to pay the annual subscription. They have been elected by the AGM after nomination by the Executive committee for long-standing exceptional service to IBPA, or to bridge in general.
    3. Associate members
      • Associate membership is open to people who are not eligible to be Full Members. They do not have any other rights than receipt of the Bulletin. Associate members pay the same dues as full members.
    • President emeritus is an honorary title given to any living Past President of the IBPA. There may be more than one. The title may only be removed by proposal of the Executive Committee approved by a General Meeting. President emeriti shall be listed as such in the IBPA’s Bulletin.
    • A President emeritus has the right to receive the Agenda and Minutes for meetings of the Executive and, upon his notification to the Secretary, to attend in person without a vote. If present at an event where the IBPA President and vice-Presidents are absent he shall be deemed the senior officer of the IBPA present, and, as such, may be allocated a role by the IBPA President.