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The IBPA Bulletin is a “writers’ digest”, containing the crème de la crème of bridge hands and news from tournaments around the world, tournament dates as well as discussion of bridge hot topics.

IBPA members get a link to the Bulletin when it is published. Older Bulletins can be downloaded below.

Full members are reminded that they are obliged to send at least one contribution per year to the Bulletin Editor. Other than Full members can also submit material to the IBPA Bulletin. Please note that  ALL details (bidding, name of players, name  of event, date, etc.) must be included when you send material intended for publication in the Bulletin. If possible, please send your contributions as pdf, doc or docx file.

Sample Bulletins

A sample bulletin can be downloaded here (no password needed).

All Bulletins

The bulletins go back to October 1998 and are available to download below, a password will be needed.