The BULLETIN is circulated to about 300 members, comprising the world's  leading journalists, authors and editors of news, books, and articles  about contract bridge, with an estimated readership of some 200 million people. Prospective advertisers are advised to contact the Editor at

The Bulletin includes a Calendar of International Events. Organizers of  such events are invited to send details of upcoming championships to the Editor for possible inclusion free of charge.

Price for advertisements
The price for advertisements are: 1/1 page USD 300, 1/2 page USD 200, 1/4 USD 150, 1/8 USD 100.

There is a 25% discount for advertisements that are prepaid for 12  consecutive months. A 50% discount is available for non commercial  bodies. Sponsors of bridge can apply for (the same) 50% discount. A non commercial body that prepays for 12 months hence pays 0,5 x 0,75 = 37.5% of the full price.

Prospective advertisers should contact the Editor.

Documents, that are sent by email to those getting the Bulletin costs USD 300. Documents, that are sent to members by post costs USD 300, plus the  actual technical costs (for printing, inserting, postage, etc). For  details on inserts, please send an email to

IBPA's Website

Clickable logo (banner) on IBPA's web site costs USD 200 per year.
Text & clickable logo costs USD 500 per year.

The same discount as for ads apply on banners.

  International Bridge Press Association
