Why Join the IBPA?

The International Bridge Press Association (IPBA) serves anyone involved in bridge media and by joining you will:

  • Have access to a large network of bridge journalists and bridge media creators from all corners of the world.
  • Receive the monthly IBPA Bulletin – a world class bridge publication.
  • Have access to high quality, high-resolution photos to supplement your articles.
  • Be a part of the IBPA Awards Ceremony – each year the IBPA give awards in various categories. The winning journalists and players win prizes.


This Bulletin is published monthly and circulated to members of the International Bridge Press Association, comprising the world’s leading journalists, authors and editors of news, books and articles about contract bridge.

High Resolution Photos

IBPA members can can access high quality images. Under license, photographs of players may be used in publications, websites and social media.

  • Chairman

    Per Jannersten

  • President

    Barry Rigal

    The head of the organization and its official spokesman.
  • Treasurer

    Kim Frazer

  • Bulletin Editor

    Brad Coles

    Questions about and contributions to the Bulletin should go to Brad.